South Dekalb Pulse

What is this “Coffee with a Cop”, and why should you go?

In the case you’ve never heard of Coffee with a Cop, it is an opportunity for the community to get together and just talk with the police officers in our community. Gill Thomas, a contributor to SDP, attended the most recent one at the Kroger Starbucks on Flat Shoals Parkway, last week. He said, “our south precinct law enforcement officers are a gaggle of humor and engagement. The information was relevant to topics such as identity theft, basic home security, NextDoor, and Ring security, and just what the precinct does with the information shared within the community.”

The DeKalb Police officers said the department is trying to eliminate theft and break-ins; citing the Ring app as an effective tool to help police to determine where the crime is actually happening. Thomas said, “another thing mentioned by the police officers is the rollout of a new initiative by Solicitor General Dana Coleman-Stribling #NotInMyDekalb. This is about addressing unhealthy relationships and ending domestic violence. The Solicitor recognizes the unique needs of its victims and has a team of advocates dedicated to assisting crime victims through the criminal court process.” 

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